With(out) Words


  1. Video
  2. Video: Stickers
  3. Animation


This section contains glimpses of experiments from early on in the process, that did not end up in the final outcome.

2. Video: Stickers

Around the same time I started with the small surveys and my topic was defined more clearly as language and inequality in relation to queerness. At this time, I started filming bodies and skin. I was interested in the ambivalence of identifying as queer: How many would at the same time experience self-discovery as freeing, but also like an unintentional spotlight was shone on them: how being queer can mean drawing attention that is not always wanted - even just the daily casual act of “coming out”.

The idea to add stickers to the body to highlight this ambivalence came from one of my strolls taking videos in Basel, where I found butterfly stickers on the wall in the entrance of a kindergarten. These experiments were also what led me to the final videos, where instead of stickers, it is wax that is put on the skin.

Three butterfly stickers on the wall next to the entrance of a Kindergarten.

I also started thinking about how these videos would work as an installation and made sketches imagining several screens in combination with the interviews I conducted at the same time.