With(out) Words


  1. Survey
  2. Interviews
  3. Voice Recordings
  4. Final Audio


The voices played an important role in my project as the aim was to create space for these individual experiences and how they are embeded in social reality.

2. Interviews

The interviews were my answer to the lack of insight the survey provided. The first interview I did when I was still unsure if I would focus the topic only on LGBTQAI+ and it did not end up as part of the thesis. As goes for the second interview, which topic-wise was on the right track, but I conducted in english with a student at the HGK. I decided in the end to focus on people with similar cultural backgrounds, which in the final video included only one person who grew up outside of Switzerland: in Germany.

The interviews did follow similar topics, but were led very freely.
The first interview revolved around feminism.

The subsequent three were then already conducted on the topic of gender and sexuality. The last two were used in the final Audio for the Installation

Some ideas for Interview questions collected in my notes