With(out) Words


  1. Survey
  2. Interviews
  3. Voice Recordings
  4. Final Audio


The voices played an important role in my project as the aim was to create space for these individual experiences and how they are embeded in social reality.

4. Final Audio

The final audio consists of seven peoples voices. Arranging them into a cohesive narrative took a lot of time. I started with marking the interesting parts and then color coding content that related to each other. Then I arranged these part in a new sequence and started to narrow it down from around 2.5 hours of audio content to the 13 minutes the final audio is long. 
The final audio goes through six “chapters”: moving from the more positive experiences with finding words for ones identity through difficult experiences and negative associations that made the process of finding identity harder and ending on a more positive note with how “finding words” for their identity impacted their life positively.