With(out) Words


  1. Wax Video
  2. Wax Photography I
  3. Wax Photography II
  4. Wax Plates
  5. Suspended Sculpture


This sections contains all the different experiments and elements created with wax. 

5. Suspended Structure 

The structure was created to add a material, physical and spatial component to the installation: with the goal of taking up space and creating an immersive experience that allows for movement around the voices and stories.

Lots and lots of visits to Offcut..
.. and Obi
Planning a structure
Building first structures
Trying to pour wax directly on the structure: didn’t work
Cooking and dying wax with a water bath and gas burner
Creating wax “sheets” and adding them to the structure
Building up the structure
Building up the structure: it’s very fragile
Testing how to make the wax hold better on the structure