With(out) Words

Final Elements

  1. Videos
  2. Images
  3. Wax Plates
  4. Suspended Structure


The final installation consists of three parts. The main one being the video with the audio. Then there is the suspended structure, the images and the wax plates. Together they address different aspects of the topic. 

1. Videos     

I started with the vision of projecting onto one surface from and after cutting a first version quickly decided for two screens instead. This was because I wanted the Video to create and strengthenthea narrative of the audio, but at the same time felt that a lot of the strength came from showing the slow videos of pouring, hardening, taking off the wax. Working with two screens allowed to do both at the same time, in combination through the interplay between the two screens.
I decided to cut the audio before the video, as I wanted the audio to create a sort of story that was followed and enhanced by the video. Therefore I used the movement in the stories of the Audio to guide the pacing of the video.