

This section contains some excerpts from notes, research, mood-boards and conceptualizations in chronological order.


During my research I moved from the topic of representation and inequality, to language and inequality and finally narrowed it down to my topic of language and inequality in the context of marginalized sexualities and genders. 

Thoughts in the beginning on representation and inequality

Early notes I found looking back that relate to my final thesis paper
Case study on the M*kopf in Swiss Media: Starting to look at language and what aspects of it could be interesting for my thesis project.
The first ideas for installations were rather different from the final outcome and focused more on educating. 
First sketches and ideas for installations
Starting to gather Papers and Books related to my topic

            At this point I started narrowing down the topic and the way I wanted to represent this visually: Through an installation, that moved from video to multimedia. And by using statements from the interviews I had conducted. I was still exploring the videos with stickers for a while before setteling on using the wax as a main material for my installation. It offered more versatility and different routes for experimentations.

Brainstorming for installation with the videos of stickers and/or wax
Planning the last weeks of the practice after handing in the theoretical thesis.
Gathering project inspiration
One of many mood-boards created during this time